
Fancy speaking

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Saved by Drew Hemment
on April 3, 2009 at 5:03:07 pm

Would you like to speak at a Social Media Cafe Manchester event?


It's an opportunity to share knowledge and experience amongst the group. So if you fancy it, put your below for consideration into forthcoming events.




Ben Light - Various bits on offer - Ethical Considerations, Identity Work, Network/Media Convergence, Non-mainstream sites - Email  Twitter web/blog

Julian Tait - Geolocative social media - email

Dan Donald - Social objects, relationship modelling - email | past presentations

Tim Difford - The application of Social Media Tools in an Agile project environment: Twitter, Email, Blog

John Sutton - Beginning bloggers: how primary age school children are adopting social media Twitter, email, blog One small point, can't talk on 14th Jan as this is the Bett show at Olympia and anybody with anything to do with ICT in schools will be there.

Richard Shaw - Using social media for market research, innovation and brand adovacy

Julie Delvaux - Photography and Cinema meet Social Media - email | Notebooks | Twitter | Portfolio&CV

Dave Mee - Invisible Communities - how the net has redefined who we are ~dave | twitter

Caleb Storkey - Social Media and business growth- reducing friction between businesses and user base.

Louise Bolotin - Harnessing the power of Twitter for A Good Cause (will do this for April once Red Nose Day is over & we had a chance to assess how well we did)

Drew Hemment - Running a digital festival: a living lab for future culture

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