

This version was saved 15 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by JulianTait
on October 12, 2009 at 12:03:29 am


We are similar in intent to the  London Social Media Cafe, or Tuttle Club.



Social Media Manchester social network on Ning has been created, to help network pre- and post- event, as well as provide a friendlier interface to getting involved it is also the place where you can create your own profile page. Please don't put profile pages on the wiki, just links. Sign-up now! and follow our Twitter account for the latest notices.




Travelling back to it's ancestral home; October's SMC was held at The Northern on Tib Street. Adrian Stevenson @adrianstevenson held an enlightening session entitled Linked Data and the Semantic Web - What are they, and do I need to care? with November In Manchester @Nov_in_Mcr explaining the launch of a new social media novel set in Manchester, where people can sign up to participate.


There were also three 'The Future of SMC' sessions held, allowing SMCers to feedback and help the Cafe evolve. Notes on these sessions are here Please feel free to edit and comment, as this is an ongoing discussion.



The next SMC is a special event in partnership with FutureEverything EVNTS and North West Vision and Media.

It still contains the same Social Media Cafe goodness that we all know and love, with the usual Unconference Barcamp format sessions, but as it's coinciding with the FutureEverything 2010 EVNTS Launch there will be a talk by Hugh Garry, Producer for Radio 1 and 1extra.


If you want to run a session put your name down on the Session List 03NOV09 page


EVNTS is a network of North West creatives working in events, music and the arts. The EVNTS Meetings are a series of regular gatherings, open to everybody working in the creative industries and beyond, to come together to network, collaborate and share.


During the festival, EVNTS presents a programme of independently run music and art events across the city, showcasing new and groundbreaking talent. It gives the opportunity for more people to participate in the festival, and enables artists to get their work seen and heard, plus a limited number are awarded funding assessed by a jury of industry experts.



18:00 Doors open

18:30 Introductions

18:40 Hugh Garry - Talk

19:10 Break

19:25 Session 1

20:05 Break

20:20 Session 2

21:00 Close



A few people got together to come up with some guidelines to help the SMC run more smoothly. These are a work in progress and everyone is invited to contribute to this process. SMC Guidelines



If you want to see what's gone on in previous events or who attended click on the folders to the right. Any links associated with talks are posted there.



Any SMCers who would like to list their blogs please do so on the blog page to the left



What is the Social Media Cafe Manchester?

The Social Media Cafe is a place for ALL people interested in social media to gather, get acquainted, and to plot, scheme, and share.. emphasis on open and interesting conversation!


Who should come?

If you're interested in society, media, how we organise, share, produce and enjoy, then come along. If you're an artist, film maker, geek, musician, designer, writer, photographer, web designer, developer, community activists, interested in how social tools can facilitate community engagement or anything close or related, then come along. If you want to meet like minds, come along.


Your photos, links, videos, and blog posts

If you're posting anything online related to, or documenting, the Manchester Social Media Cafe tag your stuff with: #smc_mcr


There is a live Twitter feed here and a flickr group. Please tag all content accordingly. We also have a Twitter identity @smc_mcr so you can follow the latest updates. There's also a social network on Ning



Feel free to post content up on whatever channel you like, but make sure you link back to it (somewhere above) so we can all find it!


25 Swan Street,

The Northern Quarter,

Manchester ,

M4 5JZ

Tel: 0161 834 1786








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