
SMC at futr09

Page history last edited by JulianTait 15 years, 9 months ago


We're the Manchester branch of the London Social Media Cafe, or Tuttle Club.


This Wiki is at the centre of our activities. We also have a Google Group, which is the perfect place to have discussions about all things Social Media. Follow our Twitter account for the latest notices.  A Social Media Manchester social network on Ning has been created, to help network pre- and post- event, as well as provide a friendlier interface to getting involved. Sign-up now!




As the Fabulous Futuresonic Festival is running in May, the SMC is relocating to the magnificent Contact Theatre on Oxford Road to offer Social Technology Summit delegates the chance to mop up some SMC goodness and for us to take advantage of all the cool things that are happening there.


The Cafe will have all the usual shenanigans with a few more added to the mix. SO get your name down, put a session down and in the words of the late great Ted Rodgers, Lesley Crowther (the Price is Right) "Come on Down".



Thursday 14th May 2009 - 6pm to 9pm:The #smc_mcr is a free event run by volunteers

Please put your name down on the I want to attend page if you are coming.



Three seems to be the magic number so this month is going to see the continuation of the three sessions for smc'ers to run or attend. It is like last time in the Unconference Barcamp style. Reading the attendence lists from the last five events there is a huge range of skills and knowledge to be tapped. So don't be shy, think of a session you would like to deliver, click the Session List link and put your name down.



18:00 Doors open

18:30 Introductions

18:40 Sessions

19:20 Break

19:40 Informal sessions and networking

20:20 Break and networking



The unConference format is informal, feel free to contribute and comment. Although the sessions appear to be quite short there is opportunity to carry on the discussions through the break and after. Generally the sessions are run as a conversation and participants are encouraged to pitch in where appropriate. You don't need to put your name down for a particular session in advance just come along and choose on the night.


We encourage people to respond to the sessions through Twitter, this will feedback into how the Cafe runs and promote future debate. To make it easier for us to track comments please use the hashtag #smc_mcr followed by the #session number in your Tweets. If Twitter isn't your thing then feedback through your medium of choice.


The Contact Theatre has free WiFi so feel free to use the connectivity.



If you want to see what's gone on in previous events or who attended click on the folders to the right. Any links associated with talks are posted there.



Any SMCers who would like to list their blogs please do so on the blog page to the left



What is the Social Media Cafe Manchester?

The Social Media Cafe, or Tuttle Club, is a place for people interested in social media to gather, get acquainted, and to plot, scheme, and share.. emphasis on open and interesting conversating!


Who should come?

If you're interested in society, media, how we organise, share, produce and enjoy, then come along. If you're an artist, film maker, geek, musician, designer, writer, photographer, web designer, developer, community activists, interested in how social tools can facilitate community engagement or anything close or related, then come along. If you want to meet like minds, come along.


Your photos, links, videos, and blog posts

If you're posting anything online related to, or documenting, the Manchester Social Media Cafe tag your stuff with: #smc_mcr


There is a live Twitter feed here and a flickr group. Please tag all content accordingly. We also have a Twitter identity @smc_mcr so you can follow the latest updates. There's also a social network on Ning



Feel free to post content up on whatever channel you like, but make sure you link back to it (somewhere above) so we can all find it!


Contact Theatre

Oxford Road


M15 6JA


T: 0161 274 0600



Forthcoming Dates

Tuesday 2nd June 2009

We would like to thank Redeye - The Photography Network for the use of their AV equipment






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