I wanted to use this page as a resource for useful social media reports and documents
I would absolutely recommend using edocr (there you go Manoj!) as we can embed thumbnails into the pages for easy downloads.

Brian Solis' : Customer Service: The Art of Listening and Engagement Through Social Media

Brian Solis' : Introducing the Conversation Prism by Brian Solis
If you like Brian, you can see all his documents http://www.edocr.com/tags/pr2-0 or at http://www.edocr.com/user/1711/docs
The Art of With Project
Cornerhouse started and action research project that explores how contemporary arts organisationw should work with audiences, artists and curators at a time when web 2.0 has increased people's expectation/demand of openess, participation and collaboration.
It started with the commission of an essay by Charles Leadbeater called The Art of With (available to download here).
We have just publised A Manual for the 21st century Gatekeeper, in which curator Michael Connor consider why and how art institutions might embrace Leabteater concept of The Art of With.
As we published it on writetoreply it allows people to comment on the text in in details, fell free to do so!
Comments (1)
manoj ranaweera said
at 3:11 pm on Mar 2, 2009
Strange that the thumbnail I added was removed by someone. edocr has most of Brian's documents
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